Dylan Santiago – It’s All Good, Chords and Lyrics

Baritone ukulele demo of It’s All Good by Dylan Santiago

Chords and Lyrics

Chords | D | C#dim | Em | A |
Well versed in etiquette
Passive-aggressive as shit
Not impressed easily
Hard to see her vis-a-vis

It’s all good
No words
Can tell
The look in your eyes
Clear as a bell
Into an empty


Chords | D | C#dim | Em | A |
Thank you for everything
Leave you out to dry in spring
Cold hands under the stars
Say your prayers into the fire

It’s all good
No words
Can tell
The look in your eyes
Clear as a bell
Into an empty

FMaj7 | FMaj7b5 | Emb9 | Em7 |

FMaj7 | FMaj7b5 | Emb9 | Em7 |
All is well
As all is green
So color me a scene
All is well
As all is green
So color me, obscene

Chords | D | C#dim | Em | A |
It’s all good
No words
Can tell
The look in your eyes
Clear as a bell
Into an empty


Original Email Sent

Hello bookworms,

You may have read the short story, “Fantastic Mr. Fox”…

Great little book, written by the same author who wrote “Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory”, Roald Dahl.

And all this time, until a few days ago…

And I SWEAR I’ve heard his name pronounced this way,

I thought it was RONALD Dahl.

I’m sure I’m not the only one, but it reminded me something similar…

Most of you have probably heard of the popular children’s book/cartoon
series, “The Berenstain Bears” — about the bear family that does bear

Seems innocent enough…

But one day,

Somebody on the internet pointed out that they vividly remember the
series being titled, “The Berenstein Bears” — Berenstein spelled with
an “e” instead of an “a”.

Many people also pointed out that they remember all throughout their
childhood, their parents, teachers, librarians, etc. pronouncing it as
“Beren-steen” and/or “Beren-stine” — as you would typically pronounce a
name that ends -stein.

So, the internet came up with a reasonable explanation for this

“…sometime between 1986 and 2011, our universe, in which the bears
were named BerenstEin, merged with a near-identical parallel universe in
which the family is called BerenstAin – which altered our history and
left many people perplexed by the change. Further theorists argue that
this mess could even have been created by an errant time traveler.”

So there, you have it.

It appears we all “merged with a near-identical parallel universe” at
some point…

Are you from the BerenstAin Universe?

Or the BerenstEin universe?

I know which one I’m from…

Now, if you’d like to shy away from the ramblings of a mad man, then
feel free to check out these new videos…

Here’s your priority-access, first-look, before anyone else at my new
cover and original:

The Seed 2.0 by The Roots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpFeFGxY6ck
It’s All Good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a71mkZ10SWI



P.S. If you’re in town (Salem), feel free to join me this Friday July
16th, 7pm at Front Street Station Bar and Grill. More info here:

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